11:06 a.m. recap 2002-12-12
Reaped last night's southpark was hilarious. the best christmas special/political commentary i've seen in awhile. cartman wants one of those robotic pets that 'you can starve', but he's in the red with naughty , so he gets the idea to bring christmas to the iraqis to qualify as nice enough to warrant it.

so. out pops mr. hanky, who loads the boys on the poo-choo train & whisks them away to the north pole. they convince santa & the underwear gnomes (er, elves) to bring christmas to baghdad, but in the process, santa's shot down by a scud missile & captured. grotesque hilarity ensues in the form of electro-shock torture. 'take that, capitalist western PIG!' screams the iraqis, "now tell us your secrets". says santa over his sizzling balls, "i'm gonna fucking KILL you"!

meanwhile, back in southpark, jimmy tries to sing the 12 days of christmas.

so by then its up to the boys to rescue santa, and who better to help than jesus christ? so they fly red sleigh 2 down the mexico way, scare a bunch of catholics who run around screaming 'el muerte rojo!', and convice JC to help save santa. by this point, the show begins to resemble Target:Saddam. JC & the boys take on baghdad, shoot alot of brown people, and manage to save santa. meanwhile JC's guts are laid out to dry as he is taken out by a rocket launcher. santa vows retribution.

then, not forgetting the spirit of the season, santa bombs baghdad christmas-style, turning guns into candy canes, christmas trees & the like. jimmy finally finishes 12 days of christmas, the boys all get matching robot pets, and kenny comes back from his hiatus, even though cartman drank him earlier this season.

so the moral of the story is, if you've been naughty all year just bomb iraq and you can get a robot pet to starve too.

to which i say, hey mister santa claus, merry fucking christmas!

the end

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