7:27 p.m. weekend pt 1 2002-05-14
Reaped so to recap the weekend...

friday i smoked weed w/ my sister, went to the beach, saw my grampa at the ALF (assisted living facility), watched my dad get drunk on rum & cokes & pass out, then watched the playboy game show on fox. a girl from g'ville won, proving that overall, big boobs, blonde hair and a flair for overdramatic confessionals makes hugh a happy boy.

saturday. my grampa went into a diabetic coma and was sent to the emergency room. we went to visit him at the hospital. it was very sad. he had tubes up his nose and was so tired he passed out while we were there. he did say, 'you girls...nice of you to come'. feel bad for my dad. he's the only one of 3 brothers left in the family. one died of liver failure, the other i'm pretty sure of aids. the sixties weren't so glamorous for some. he gets this look of disbelief, think i get it sometimes too, like he just don't wanna deal with it, but he's expecting the worse. kinda identify with his drinking habit in that respect. better to smoke the herb, IMHO, but i know what it is to have the escape route.

sigh. depressing. the only grampa i got left is old and sick. he kept asking, 'did the nurse like the perfume i gave her?' only, you know, he hadn't. so i said, 'remember how you used to get mom norell perfume for a present?' but that only made me more sad, since my parents are divorced and neither one really had anything good to say about my grampa. so i swallowed the lump that had unexpectedly developed. save that for another time. drama, trauma, blah blah blah. i watched my mom's dad die of a heart attack when i was 12. I was sitting at the kitchen counter doing homework, he was coming out of the bathroom down the hall, then just fell over.my sis saw it-i heard the thump. then gramma was like, 'run over and get uncle jack!', and from there all hell broke loose. happened a couple days before my birthday. i remember b/c i got mad about it briefly and then everyone started yelling at me about how awful & spoiled i was to be upset about that when my grandaddy had just died. think they were kinda right though, i wasn't such a kind kid. oh well. try harder.

i'm going to smoke a cigarette now, fo' real. finish the recap later.

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