5:05 p.m. a day no rants would write 2002-12-18
Reaped today should have been an infuriating day. as soon as i got in the car to go to work things went awry. like the atm not working. and then the gas station on magazine being all full. the psycho jesus loving SUV drivers outside whole foods who would rather play chicken with my car than yield to right-of-way. and of course, the police escorted tour bus that blocked traffic for 15 minutes on the i-10 overpass. but you know, it was just too lovely out to let these things piss me off. about a sunny 70, breezy, the crepe myrtles in the neutral ground turning all shades of yellow & mahogany. cranked up the classic npr station & zoned out to the wind-bowed oak trees. put the rage aside, laughed at the nature of the city. it really is its own sentient entity. a slow, inbred, stubborn entity with a mouth, but one all the same.

so today, i got up early & made some cream cheese brownies from scratch. baker's chocolate, all the way, fuck betty crocker. i even fused 2 different recipes together: half martha stewart (mag. subscription courtesy of my mom) & half of another. they came out very good, all mushy & tasty & coronary blockage inducing. these, of course, were for the librarians.

ahhh, the library christmas party. turns out i didn't have to work the desk. a little christmas spirit helps us all, doesn't it? a good spread of food too: ham, turkey, dips, chips, about 5 different dishes involving artichokes (including some nefarious 'balls' that tasted like unbaked veggie burger from a cafe i used to work at), jambalaya, salad, cookies, blah blah blah. no alcolhol, but they let everyone drink coffee for free!! ** two hours well spent, indeed. makes the day go faster, and now i don't need to bring a lunch the rest of the week, there's so much food left. and one of the work girls said i had a kick ass wardrobe. then one of the gay guys agreed, so i know its true. he's going to london for christmas, lucky bastard.

annnnd, only 3 more days of work til i go home!! tonight is the last night shift i have for like 3 weeks, woo hoo! it is so dead, there's not even a soul cramming for anatomy. which means, time for me to go on break for awhile, maybe finish that terry pratchett book i started, try to figure out the goddam rental car situation for the trip home. one site i looked at (i think avis) it was up to 1600 dollars. yeah right. i can buy a car in florida for that much. i'm at a loss. need transportation to see friends in tampa. don't have 500 bucks to throw down. so we'll see. anyone wanting to lend me a car for next week, please email. and that is all for now.

** here at the library, we have a coffee club, and if you don't join the coffee club you have to pay more money for coffee. there is even a chart listing all the staff, and how many cups of coffee they have consumed each week, and how much is owed or what. which is kinda lame since a)its kinda weak coffee b) its made in a mr. coffee maker c)the whole process it entirely too anal bun wearing librarian for me. at my old awesome job in gainesville, we simply made coffee when we wanted & did not obsessively track the statistics. it was so strong you could cut teeth on it. so the moral of the story is, before signing any contracts, check and see what the coffee consumption policies are, since its usually indicative of other things at the place of employ as well.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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