9:09 a.m. in which strange things are eaten for dinner 2002-10-24
Reaped i'm off work, and my office mate (aka the Cat Madam) invites me over to her house for some dinner, so i go. she's a cat lover, so i'm not surprised to see kittens running around all over the place. the kitchen is a reproduction of my gramma's house, down to the free standing butcher block. i sit down at the strangely familiar dinner table and begin to make conversation, which is hard b/c the Cat Madam has picked up a live kitty, dipped it in batter, and placed it in a frying pan. i look down at the kitty i was petting, and realize it has no hair. things are beginning to get a little wierd. conversation continues. soon pots are sputtering on the stove, mashed potatoes, squash, steamed kittens. i'm thinking, how am i gonna eat this? suddenly dinner is on the table, and i know etiquette dictates i need to at least try it to be polite. i'm surprised-it looks like a regular pork chop. where did all the fur go? do i have to eat it? then it doesn't matter, because the phone rings, and its my dad going on about some play that my uncle is putting on and how its coming to my town. which is also wierd b/c my uncle died awhile ago. so i say, 'dad, i'd love to talk but i'm kinda in the middle of dinner.' i get off the phone. then MY cat jumps on the dinner table and begins sniffing the food. 'no weezer no!' i say, and shoo him away. then i take a bite of the cat-chop, and awaken. but what is this? a cat hair, on my tongue?!? oh dear... Sown
Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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