4:40 p.m. games people play 2003-01-16
Reaped when we were kids my sister and I used to do many things to entertain ourselves. our mom, the prototypical single mother, was the original basketcase: no friends allowed over, no hanging out at other people's houses, no going anywhere after school but inside the house and lock the door behind you. once i asked to go with some friends to a boyscout pow-wow. she said no way, she wouldn't have me turning into a pagan while she was still in charge. she also refused to buy me any black clothes, and for awhile would hide the steven king books my cousins had loaned me. she was terrified i'd turn into a satan worshipper. must be the red hair. but yeah. surprisingly enough, for the most part we obeyed, if only for the fact that mother was severely bipolar & tended towards the philosophy of 'obey the fist'. but i digress. . . so yeah, we used to invent all kinds of games.

ONe year for christmas they gave us a barbie mansion. not a real barbie mansion, but one of the generic ones that's 20 times bigger. as we spent our days decorating our cardboard maison, the house morphed into a huge fantasy game: take the rose petal place dolls, add the my little pony collection, give them all wierd names and apply soap opera story lines. the plot usually centered around the my little pony babies. the barbies were used as bad guys, while our sole ken dated the whole lot when needed. once in awhile, the mansion would be destroyed. not in the game, but usually as we were fighting on the bunk bed. somebody would fall off, land on the mansion, and reconstruction would commence. once sister staged a wedding, complete with mariah carey belting out over the tape player. "she is the most beautiful singer in the world" she said. i still don't let her live that down. still wonder if that mansion's rotting away in mom's garage somewhere.

this other game we played was called 'kash n' carrier' and centered around a nerf plastic frisbee and 2 hula hoops. the frisbee would go in the middle of the field, marked by the placement of hula hoops at opposite ends. on the word "go" we'd both run to the frisbee. whoever got it back to their respective hula hoop first won, but therein lay the challenge: for whoever grabbed the frisbee then had to spend a good twenty minutes punching, kicking & dragging the other around the yard, who was allowed to use whatever offensive manner possible to wrench the frisbee away. i usually went for the high kick offense, until sister learned to catch my leg & trip me up. whoever lost had to tie themselves to our little scooter and cart the other around the yard. generally you wanted to win since the rider also got to use a crop. so maybe that's where the whole s&m thing comes from.

we'd also play badminton, until the one day, having lost the game, i threw the racket at my sister & almost broke her foot. i almost want to attribute it to the guns n' roses tape i was listening to at the time (appetite for destruction RAWK!), but not being one to blame music for my actions, i won't. i just remember axl screaming, the racket launching, and sister going down in a red-faced explosion of howls. even though i managed to carry her screaming & crying carapice back into the house with my bare hands, mother was not pleased. that night was what we like to call a 'yardstick breaker', if you know what i mean.

but yeah, we turned out ok in the end. maybe a little jaded, maybe a little bruised, but ok.

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Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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