4:14 p.m. another backhanded comment blown out of proportion 2002-10-25
Reaped All i can really say is that there are some mean immature people in the world. maybe i'm one of them and got my just desserts. but anyway, i found this really interesting, witty and strange little diary and i left a note, because i'm a big anti-social loser and a kiss up too. no really its because i'm a big egotistical big-headed jerk and think most people can't write for shit and when i find one that meets my uber-standards i like to say hi or whatever. and now this diary is, howdoyousay, i guess flaming me for doing that. i guess i'm too provincial to read certain things, and i guess i'm too cliche for this certain diary, and apparently this diary is gonna come try and find me and cream all over my loser librarian ass because i JUST DONT GET IT. but i guess i deserve it for taking up such a sell out profession and then *gasp* writing about it. or even, writing about anything at all. i guess i should really leave that up to the masters, huh? the ones who REALLY KNOW WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. really mo, as if any of your opinions matter. here's a fucking clue-THEY DON'T this is all FOR ME. i could give 2 FUCKS what all you all think. but by the same token, i'm certainly pissed off now, aren't i? why? because i take things to seriously. because i have no friends here besides my fat boyfriend and a couple of snobs. because i inherited that whole bi-polar super bitch thing from my mom. i'm so fucking sorry to have the gall to post random ramblings online. maybe i should just stop and let the beautiful people take my fucking place. because i'm a loser. because i care too much about what people think. because i deign to exist in a post modern capitalistic society and actually enjoy shopping once in awhile. because i will never wake up and smell the coffee b/c i'm too poor to buy any. because i bitch too much. that's what this diary is for. ME. its all about ME and MY superficial needs and wants and desires and tantrums and observations and if you don't fucking like it why don't you GO AWAY? whatever, i know this is just providing more fodder for the holier ones and proving how incapable i am of handling constructive criticism. but that's okay, i'm doomed to die a wrinkled senile spinster, choking on musty periodical indexes, grabbing the card catalogue with shaky arthritic hands, shushing patrons with a final death rattle. yeah. go ahead and think that. then write something about it. maybe it will even be good this time. Sown
Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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