2:08 p.m. Friday, is a good day, need another day, for love 2002-10-18
Reaped ...to tune of *batman*

da na na na na na na na na da na na na na na na na na LEADER!

da na na na na na na na na da na na na na na na na na LEADER!




Yeah Homer, that's what i'm talking about. And speaking of mindless cults, you won't believe that Nicky and Paris Hilton have over 36,200 websites devoted to them. make that 36,201. Who? the sisters set to inherit the Hilton hotel empire. Why? Dunno. Bored, saw something about them on the NY Post's Page 6, blah blah blah. But along the way i found out that NYC has a rejection number. Give it to the slimy dude at the bar who's hassling you for your number but paid for the drinks--i think it still works:

212-479-7990. So maybe celebutaunts are good for something after all. A laugh at least. My favorite was the emaciated vixens' pic where they're both wearing baby-ts bearing the all important nyc nightlife question, 'Got blow?' A clever & thrifty trick for these girls, considering when asked if they'd rather be fat or poor, they chose poor.

but enough devotion to superficialities.

work has been a combination of stress and nothing. Spent most of the morning looking for a simple city/parish directory for this godforsaken state, but had to settle for the Land area and population density chart from the 1990 Census. Apparently stuff like that is not big on the list of state priorities. Kinda like functional roads.

watching the weather channel this morning, i saw it is snowing in bemidji. here it is the kind of day that makes you want the weekend that much more- no humidity, blue blue skies, a gentle breeze. tonight after work we're having a librarian dinner party at some house of meat in metairie. should be interesting. better be good, its 22 friggin bucks. i hate being poor. yesterday my boss was talking about the sad & sorry state of promotions & raises here. in her words, "its gonna be awhile b4 you have to deal with it." this is not reassuring.

today i looked up info on the peace corps. if things don't turn keener here soon i may be on my way to russia. but for now, i see da boss lady, weezer1d, signing out!

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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