9:45 p.m. old crow 2002-11-11
Reaped if i could sum up my vacation in three words beginning with the letter b, it would be booze, bud and 'brarians. cos i'm cheezy like that. a good time: thursday night we consumed copious amounts of wine & ended up discussing socialism over shots of old crow w/ johnson, who was found in the morning on the same kitchen tile floor he collapsed upon the night before. quoth the old crow, nevermore? suppose i got off easy-kicked the hangover in time for lunch w/ mom in ybor, then over to UT to catch my library grrl at the tblc meeting. a whirlwind affair, to be sure.

the wedding was as weddings go: big beautiful church, lots of old chums, cake & satin dresses & yummy cuban food at the reception. a nice time all around, if not a glimpse of what the high school reunion will be in a couple of years. tamela & i made that pact we'd go together, ala romy & michelle if you wanna compare it to a movie.

so now it's back to the crescent city. the rain is pouring down, but tomorrow it will be cold. the work-boy gave me a ride home today since the car is in the shop, i think i'm gonna call him proverbs35:2 now since that's what his tattoo is of.

kinda low here. feeling a bit...suffocated? a bit like, this is how its gonna be forever? empty pizza boxes and the ever looming question of what's for dinner? i think its time for a change. think its time to have a talk w/ the boy over certain things, like the future and our serious lack of it. or maybe i'll just ask him to do the dishes for once. dunno. one must be cautious in such tenuous situations. don't really feel like putting it to words right now. better to let such dark plans steep for awhile, til it comes up on its own like so much fermented corn aged in oak barrels.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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