10:13 a.m. disenfranchised goth rant 2002-12-03
Reaped i'm all gothed out today: long black shirt, long blue skirt, boots, 19th century up-do & the spider necklace. oh life, why do you vex me so?

the president is coming to nola today. they're shutting down I-10 for his motorcade this afternoon. hopefully nothing will blow up & everything will be over by going home time. maybe i'll even get to see him blow by the stretch of highway visible from the refdesk and flick him off. don't see why he doesn't just use the heliport by the superdome. guess it doesn't consume enough oil or something.

anyway, this presidential visit is basically to rally support for susan terrel, the republican challenger in the fight for guv'nor of louisiana. last night they had a debate on tv. i caught the abortion part of it. it was amusing, watching the 2 politicians squirm and try not to use the dreaded "pro-choice" word. dear lord, not in this papal nation. the reporter who asked the question got all in mary landrieu's (democratic incubent's) face, "ARE YOU OR AREN'T YOU PRO-CHOICE, MIZ LANDRIEU? JUST SAY IT!!" she wouldn't say it though, just kept kowtowing around the subject, saying when the women's life is in danger, when they've been raped, stereotypes are bad, blah blah blah. her blue eyes were all wide, like, holy shit don't fuck this up and alienate the african american/homosexual/liberated womyn vote. but she kinda did anyway. i didn't like the reporter too much, as he was an aged white male who looked very smug to see the lady squirm and doesn't even have to worry about pregnancy anyway. then terrel gets on there and is like " well, i'm catholic & i respect & follow what the catholic church deems correct, blah blah, sanctity of human life, blah blah, who cares who got raped, save the fetus, down with the mother, etc. etc." well, maybe not that extreme but somewhat close. i don't think it matters though, terrel is gonna win cos the GOP always votes while the rest are smokin' doobs on the front porch. feh. big whoop, one more republican state to add to the roster. i can't even bitch since i don't vote, proving once and for all how grossly hippocritical i really am.

the whole voting thing threw me off that last presidential election. i tried to register to vote in alachua county florida since i lived in g'ville, and managed to instead remove my voter registration from pasco county florida instead. apparently in FL you have to dis-register in one county, then re-register in the other, only they don't tell you that anywhere on the voter registration card. i think it's all a big load of beurocratical crap to keep everyone NOT voting anyway. so when i found out (of course on the day of the registration deadline so i couldn't do anything about it) i got mad, called everyone & their brother to see if i could re-register in pasco (of course no), and then swore off the electoral process altogether. so eventually i may re-register, but really what's the point? as this last pres. election proved, they don't even count the public vote, even if they're supposed to. I mean, if the supreme court can dictate who they want as president anyway, why do we have to vote at all? can't we just change to a juridical monarchy and be done with it? serfdom's not too bad, aside from the virgin brides having to sleep with the lord & the whole beheading for a deer kill thing. at least then i can immigrate to sherwood forest, live in a kick ass tree house & fuck christian slater.

but i digress. so it's time to end this. viva la democracy and all those happy lies that keep us shopping. i'm gonna take my apathetic goth self down by the river.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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