2:11 p.m. i'm gonna close my body now? 2002-11-25
Reaped yeah. so.

nothing really amazing happened this weekend because nothing really amazing ever happens. saw the bond movie, which again defied convention, physics & good taste with its special effects, explosions & cheezy writing. we sat in the front row so halle berry's forehead looked absurdly deformed in her close ups, but otherwise salon was right about the bodysuit-very fresh. john cleese as Q ribbing mr. bond, also very fresh. now madonna's little theme song, i'm not so sure. what exactly does she mean when she says "i'm gonna close my body now"? she's in the movie too, as a vampy fencing queen. 'Mr Bond, could you tie my corset? it's come undone', she says through a veil of about 10 camera filters. i can see little lourdes now,

"mommy, who do you look all fuzzy in the movie?"

[insert fake english accent here] "age, darling, my contract doesn't allow it." whoever wears sleeveless leather corsets to fencing lessons, besides lady madonna, i'd like to know.

fuck. shouldn't think about madonna's song. now it's stuck in my head like a insipid parrot call.

in actuality, the experience of going to the movie was about as good as bond himself. at the clearview mall the target has a 5 story parking garage. the target!! haven't been in one of those since my florida days. actually, i haven't seen that much adolescent flesh packed into overly tight stretch denim since then either. you have no idea how closely a gaggle of 12 year olds resembles a stampede of screaming monkeys until they take over a movie theater bathroom. at that point it's like, how clean do my hands really need to be? i'm not eating popcorn.

then there was the drunk guy in the elevator who kept pushing the doors back and forth, i guess to get them to close or open or something. maybe it was the post-bond energy. everyone wants to be a supah spy.

sunday was spent recovering from an overdose of 7&7's at Butlers. The bar was swank, done up with vintage couches, atari games on b&w tvs and lots of red lighting, even a dj though the place was about the size of my living room. It came recommended by one of jw's english friends. the reason was shortly revealed, apparently you can smoke weed in there and no one cares. which was fun if not a little paranoia inducing. i shall be returning there again, but first i have to find a new favorite drink and it can't be made out of gin or whiskey. whiskey. *shudder* not for a long time.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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