2:29 p.m. in which our hero brags about her shopping skills 2002-12-08
Reaped can i go off for a second on why libraries rule? today i broke the bank at the NOPL booksale up on st charles. my shoulder is permanently maimed from lugging 30 lbs of books back home. but it was worth it. among the selections...

  • valley of the dolls, salinger's nine stories & tom robbins' skinny legs & all for sis
  • a cat story by saki for the crazy librarian i share an office with

  • battered copy of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, por moi
  • a children's book called star wars about the arms race in the 80's for its simple anachronistic absurdity
  • octopussy & the living daylights by ian fleming for some buds in tampa
  • from the mixed up files of mrs basil e frankwieler for my library grrls kid

and...did i mention they had cds on sale for a mere dollar? please abstain from crapping your pants. for the price of one new cd i got musical selections from:

kinky [mucho excellente house band from mexico--saw them in tampa last year & i'm sure will soon be the next big thing in US pop), atari teenage riot, dance hall crashers, the kudzu kings, the new deal (have no idea what they're like, but the cd reads, "the kraftwerk of the new millenium --spin", piano music of philip glass (for crab), alien fashion show (for the name), deep banana blackout (a phish-y jam band but its live & a double cd) and finally, an unopened copy of lords of acid "expand your head", including remixes by kmfdm & god lives underwater. *rolls over, dies, goes to ecletic music snob heaven*

and how much did this wonderous plunder cost, you ask? a mere 20 bucks. mm-hmm. the rest of the day will be spent listening to music, smokin' ganj and cleaning the filthy house.

on a side note, this sale (esp. the cds) totally makes up for last year, in which i went to WMNF's media sale, bought tons of kick ass cheap cds, only to have them stolen out of my car 2 DAYS LATER by some punk-ass wanna-be orlando surfers at my sister's party. take that, spooty fate!

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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