5:11 p.m. In which our hero again thinks of ending it all 2003-05-01
Reaped You wanna know what�s fucked up?

The world.

Yeah, I know, Master of the Obvious, right here. Get your autographs while my hand doesn�t hurt.


So we all know I can�t go to Sis� college graduation because of the big medical librarian conference, right? Well, I was all happy, because I found out today that there is a streaming live video of the graduation as it happens, and I can view it from my office no problem.


Except, I was so happy that I would be able to watch it (& thus negate the accusations of �you never go to my graduations, & more importantly see her graduate) that I told BossLady. But even as the words flew out of my mouth, I knew this was a bad idea.

Because, as BossLady made sure to point out in her gentle reminding way, this would surely occupy WAY to much institutional bandwidth for me to possibly watch it.

Actually, I kinda stole her thunder. After I mentioned it she sat down with had a tired look on her face, and sighed.

�Actually, Weez��

�Wait, I know.� I said. �I�ll wait til I get home. Really, don�t worry about it. It's no problem.� I smiled & thought dark thoughts mostly involving a certain maul of destruction & the glass window. It�s only my sister�s graduation anyway. You know, the one I�m not going to because I have to stay & watch the reference computers collect dust while you live it up in Cali.

�They monitor what we watch here, Weez, I know.� She said in a soft, apologetic voice. Like she�s sorry about it. Which I think she is. I don�t think BossLady purposely tries to crush everything I do, it just mostly always happens that way. Because I�m EVIL and UNDESERVED and a BAAAAAD LIBRARIAN.

So I�m met with a conundrum. A practice in morality. For the fat cats are leaving tomorrow. Including BossLady. And when the cat�s away, the mice will play, eh? That�s what I say.

So I�m going to watch it anyway. And if I get in trouble, I can always get a part time job turning tricks in Storyville, right? Probably make more money...But really, is watching your only sibling�s college graduation, when you can�t attend in person, worthy of a termination of contract?

Will BossLady purposely check to see if I in fact went to the site?

Do they wanna get rid of me that badly?

And if in fact they do, why not bust me for this fucking journal instead? PUSSIES.

'Cos I know, if Mr. Eighth Floor Suit wants to watch Junior graduate online, he's sure as hell doing it. It's not like this is fucking Napster, its my sister. I'm shutting up soon, I promise. This just makes me so mad & frustrated. Kinda like last week when BossLady made me use annual leave for a sick day, since technically I was just exhausted from driving home from Florida all night as opposed to lethally contagious. Geh. I'm going to break something now.


As far as I can tell though, I�ll get shut down by the Systems people way before BossLady gets to know about it. And that�s only if it really takes up that much bandwidth.

Which leads me to my plea, oh great & knowledgable lords of the internet::

Does anyone know how much bandwidth streaming video usually occupies? Is it possible for my tiny computer to suck enough power from this one streaming live video to cripple a network? I have a feeling the answer may be yes & no, you have to do it & see. Sigh. It is for these reasons I must soon become self-employed, married to a rich heir, or dead. Because this existence is KILLING ME.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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