2:10 p.m. What the hell did i eat last night? 2002-07-18
Reaped musta been the budweiser and bowling alley chili-cheez fries.

so i had this dream, on of those ones where you wake up and go WTF? and then realize how insane your conscious world must be for everything to symbolize something.

but digression is not the mission today. onto the dream.

at the point i remember, i'm sitting in a posh restaurant (palm fronds, crystal, high ceilings etc) with 5 people: monica, jw, and 3 blonde tallish girls whom i recognize in this dream as people from diaryland. we're small talking, introducing each other, etc. etc. and then i look out over the restaurant, and at the table next to me, who should it be but the skinny popular head cheerleader/saludatorian from my highschool. for some reason i walk over and start telling her how great my life is now, and then all these other high school people begin appearing, and saying hello. then i'm back at the other restaurant table, facing the scowling faces of the diaryland blondes. monica looks pissed too. they are mad b/c i;m ignoring them.

"why are you ignoring us?" they ask. "you came here to hang out with us. we thought you were cool, but we see now you're just a bitch. fuck you, don't talk to us anymore..." then they stand up all indignantlike to leave. and leave they do. i feel confused & sad, and chase them out of the restaurant. they won't talk to me, just keep walking. I grab monica by the arm, and i'm almost crying like a big pussy. 'what's going on?" i ask her. "where are you going? is it true what j said? aren't we friends anymore?" she loooks mad & pissed and says yes, she hates my guts, never talk to her again and turns and walks off, the other diaryland people dissolve into street. it occurs to me that it may not be a good idea to talk to d-land people anymore, b/c they know the truth.

then the street is a road, in fact its SR121 going west outta g'ville. me and jw are driving a car: we're looking for some town off some back county road. we find it: suddenly there's these dilapidated brick buildings lining the street--a hotel on a river with boarded up windows, old rotting cracker style houses, and something resembling the new port richey library but it's got these crosswalks attached to it over the steet. there's all these people staring at us from above. i get the feeling this is one of those quietly racist towns, but this thought strikes me as odd since the people in the crosswalk are a multiculutural bunch. then i realize they're scientologists. we keep driving. the town dissolves into a road again. then we're outta the car and walking down this grassy road that turns into pasture. i get the vague feeling we're going to burn something down. in the distance i see trailers and water stills, mispelled signs & rusted out cars, peeking here and there out of scubby oak & pine trees. it starts to rain. i say, "i think we should go back. i've gotta bad feeling about this." and then we're driving SR121 again. the next thing i remember we're in this huge parking garage: its like a tall curvy sky scraper-like the one at TIA. people are chasing us. we park run into the building & hide. then we're in this hospital room with Chevy Chase, like we've run into some Fletch movie or something. we disguise ourselves as doctors and continue to flee, eventually this business chick shows us the 'secret elevator', but we almost don't make it b/c she pushes the wrong button and the door to the bad guys opens. then i push 'close' and the other side of the elevator opens, and we run back to the car, start it up, and drive away.

then i woke up.

chili cheese fries my friend. who needs pot when you got that.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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